Wheels: we have 3 electric wheels, a Shimpo whisper, a Frema and my old but perfectly reliable British-made one (on the bottom right corner in the picture).
Firing: is done in a Rhode 110L electric top loader. Bisque at 1000, E/W at 1075 and S/W and porcelain at cone 6 (about 1222).
Clays usually stocked:
White and white speckled stoneware
Staffordshire S/W
Toasted/Ironstone S/W
Black S/W
Describe your image
Space to make/ Studio time
No space available at the moment
You've got the skills and the experience with all aspects of working with clay but no space of your own?
I offer quiet, clean studio space either for one or two regular weekly sessions (see costs and conditions below).
The studio is available during daytime Monday to Thursday. The maximum number of people at any one time in the studio is three. No membership fee or minimum number of months you have to commit to. Any missed session for any reason can be caught up or payment delayed, whichever works best for you. We are a small structure and therefore can afford to be flexible with this sort of thing.
The cost includes your own shelf space, use of all/any studio equipment, *firings*, and reasonable use of studio glazes.
*Firings*: obviously if all your work is very large and takes the whole kiln space regularly, I'll ask you to contribute towards electricity costs. So far this hasn't happened...
Clay: you can buy clay by the bag at trade cost from us (or bring your own if you prefer as long as you know what the firing temp is!) .
Cost: 1 weekly session (3-4 hours) £105/month
2 weekly sessions (7-8hours) £150/month